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Used in tropical area : cut flowers and beds. Fan-shaped foliage, similar to the Iris one. Elegant flowers, 5 cm sized, golden and deep-red stained. Height : about 1 m. Nursery sowing : at the end of the rainy season, in a good and humid manure. Slightly cover the seeds with thin mould. Germination : by stages, from 2 weeks to 2 months. Tryearsplant : in a sheltered place from the wind but in a sunny site, in well drained soil at 25 cm apart. Regular but moderate watering. Flowering : around 6 months after sowing.

Flower Leopard Savana

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    Agrinova® is a trademark of Agrinova Co. Technisem® and Tropica™ are trademarks of Technisem Company. Pictures are for reference only. The actual final product may differ from the picture for many factors including but not limited to climate, soil, seeds management, seed transportation, and storage.




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